Two groups of classic cartoon characters come together in this fun-filled crossover with the popular action-adventure animated series Jonny Quest. Fans of all ages won t want to miss this heart-stopping adventure as tussling twosome Tom and Jerry join Jonny Quest and his pal Hadji and embark on a dangerous spy mission in order to save the world. It s just another day at the beach for the dueling Tom and Jerry ... until they bump into world-class junior spies Jonny Quest and Hadji and their canine companion Bandit. When longtime Quest family nemesis Dr. Zin discovers that Jonny s father, Dr. Benton Quest possesses a device that could solve the world s energy problems, Zin sends his evil cat army to steal it and capture Benton and his bodyguard, Race Bannon. That s when Jonny and his new furry friends spring into action! Get set for intrigue, thrills and suspense for the whole family. Tia Carrere and Tim Matheson lend their voices.